Leading Independent Letting and Property Management Agency for Leicester & Leicestershire Villages

Leicester Landlords and letting agents and the new licensing scheme
Leicester Landlords and letting agents need to be aware of the new licensing scheme.
The licensing scheme is part of a plan to reduce the number of dangerous and sub-standard homes in Leicester.
Landlords that do not comply with their statutory responsibilities will be barred from renting out properties in Leicester through a planned licensing scheme.
Nearly a quarter of the 135,000 homes in the city are privately rented, and Leicester City Council officials say cases of dangerous and sub-standard living conditions, overcrowding and unethical behaviour by some landlords have prompted them to take action.
Full details of the scheme have yet to be drawn up but it is likely to be similar to the one that came into force in Nottingham in August, where a licence to rent out a property costs £2 per week and will only be granted if the applicant is deemed to be ‘a fit and proper person’ by the council.
Licences can be rejected if homes are not maintained to certain standards, if they are not insured or if the applicants has a criminal record.
It makes sense for all landlords to provide the best possible living conditions for their tenants and to give them the piece of mind that they live in a safe and secure environment. Staff at Butlin Property Services will assess the potential of a property for the landlord and advise them where they can increase their rental income by making cost effective improvements. Butlin Property Services will also ensure landlords meet the minimum safety requirements.
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Butlin Property Services
40 Howard Road
Clarendon Park
E: lettings@butlinps.co.uk
T: 0116 274 5778